My art journey in a nutty shell.

Born and raised in Amsterdam, I started drawing from the moment I could hold a pencil, as the cliche goes. I’ve been wanting to be an artist in one shape or form my entire life, which led me to attending a number of art courses and colleges, trying different directions, meanwhile working as a bartender and other odd jobs to finance my search. I got my first tattoo at the young age of 14, and have been building my collection ever since, so after a while it finally clicked that combining that love of drawing and tattoos into a career was the perfect path for me.

In 2018 I fully started my tattoo practice, which quickly led to tattooing myself, my friends and then others. I got my first job in a tattoo studio when I moved to Brighton for a short year. Sadly COVID happened, so I soon found myself back in Amsterdam. However, there a friend of mine offered me a place in her brand new spacious studio called Ink & Intuition, and I’ve been happy there ever since. I do hope to one day own my own studio, but that’s a goal for later.

My tattooing style was something I developed naturally by practising drawing for tattoos in a more neat style than the scribbly sketches I used to make, but eventually the sketchy nature creeped back into the tattoo drawings and I found a way to turn it into a tattoo that looked like it was sketched on to the skin. The dark imagery I love has been a part of me since I was a child, always obsessed with vampires and dark creatures and stories. I’ve always found beauty in death and darkness, as it is just as much a part of life; not something to look away from, but to embrace. Still I intend to keep developing my style, I’m still trying to find ways to make it more detailed, more surrealistic, more creative… But an artist’s journey is never finished, I hope to always be evolving.